Ešte postreh k môjmu včerajšiemu článku. Ale najprv citát z Kotskovej knihy:
"Bryan Cranston’s character in Breaking Bad, for example, chooses to become a meth producer upon learning that his disappointing life is going to end with a random case of lung cancer. The official explanation is that he wants to “provide for his family,” although obviously his family would never have asked him to become a criminal and his wife (Anna Gunn) is horrified when she finds out. The deeper explanation becomes clear as the story unfolds: he has simply reached a breaking point and his diagnosis provides him with an excuse to assert himself after a lifetime of pathetic submission. These two explanations aren’t contradictory, however, because “being a man”—being proud, making his own way in the world, answering to no one, etc.—is intimately tied up with “providing for his family.” In fact, even after he has already made more money than his family could ever need and even after his wife has threatened him with divorce, a fellow criminal convinces him to stay in the game because “a man provides for his family.” After watching Breaking Bad and hearing Bryan Cranston’s continual evocations of “this family,” it is difficult for me to hear the word “family” without also hearing sinister overtones. Far from undermining sociopathy, then, family ties often prove to be the justification for sociopathic behavior."
Nedávno som opäť začal sledovať Breaking Bad, momentálne som kdesi v tretej sérii a uvažoval som, prečo som BB pred 4 rokmi počas druhej série vlastne prestal sledovať. Myslel som, že ma to nejak prestalo baviť, nakopili sa iné veci a moja pozornosť sa odpútala. Po prečítaní Kotskovej knihy a pri opätovnom pozeraní som asi presne identifikoval nielen presný moment, kde som BB prestal sledovať ale aj presný dôvod. Od začiatku som hlavného hrdinu bral ako kladnú postavu, stotožňoval som sa s jeho údelom, sympatizoval som s jeho konaním. Lenže to začalo byť čoraz ťažšie a zlomový moment prišiel v druhej sérií [SPOILER], keď Walter nepriamo zapríčinil smrť Jesseho priateľky a keď sa dusila vlastnými zvratkami, nepomohol jej, len sa prizeral. Ó, áno, mal slzy v očiach, ale jej smrť mu ušetrila zbytočné komplikácie. Pohodlné a napospol sociopatické. Podvedome mi to bolo nesmierne nepohodlné, ale miesto toho, aby som si plne uvedomil, čo jeho čin znamenal, som sám seba presvedčil, že už ma to až tak nebaví. Teraz, sledujúc seriál nanovo, som sa dokázal viac odosobniť a ešte aj pred prečítaním Kotskovej knihy sledoval dianie s klinickejším odstupom. A je to fascinujúce a mrazivé.
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