streda 23. júla 2008

Verše vražedné

Nedávno dolapený Karadžič nebol len psychiater, vyšinutý nacionalista, masový vrah a neskôr incognito new age liečiteľ ale aj básnik (aj detskej poézie) a spisovateľ. Niekoľko kníh mu vyšlo aj počas jeho skrývania.

Jeden právnik argumentuje, že jeho poéziu je možné použiť ako dôkaz na súde za vojnové zločiny. Poézia ako vojnový zločin... nie, vážne, nie je to prehnaný, hoci možno aj zaslúžený, literárny kriticizmus, Karadžičova poézia môže byť kľudne minimálne priťažujúcou okolnosťou. Z abstraktu:
What is to be made before the law of the "poet-warrior" activity of the fugitive Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and the "poetic-military complex" of Serbian religious-ultranationalism where poets are far from gentle folk, but rather part of a "self-romanticizing macho fantasist" aesthetic and way of life? This Note suggests that the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) can use Karadzic's texts and affectations to warrior poetry in the pretrial brief and in admitted evidence, if and when Karadzic ultimately appears for trial. The violent nationalism of radio broadcasts, political journals, speeches, interviews, and manifestos have been fair game for the Office of the Prosecutor to make their cases in the last decade in both the Yugoslavia and Rwanda Tribunals. Why should poetry, perhaps the most powerful maker of myth and in the Yugoslavia context, a great mover of dangerous men and women, be any different in the eyes of international law? This Note suggests in particular that the materials at least have evidentiary value in the mens rea determination for genocide, the most significant crime Karadzic has been indicted for and the offense that has been branded the "ultimate crime."

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